Finally Finished

 Today I was finally able to edit everything together. I began by overlooking all of the clips that each of us took. Together, we decided which to keep and which to cut out. Through iMovie the video was created. I began by selecting all the desired clips and uploading them to the application. Then I merged the clips together in the desired order. After i did a run through and did a run through and watched the video back in the clips order. I rearranged them again to make sure it was good. Them I cut down any clips that were too long and made the video over the mark. Then I did another playback. After ensuring I had all the clips set up the way I wanted, I did transitions. I made sure to add some fade ins, fade outs, and more. After the transitions I did editing on each of the clips. Some I added enhanced sparkles to in order to fit the Christmas vibe. The quality of the videos were rather poor and bland. I enhanced the quality of every video as a whole, to make it cohesive. I then went in to each individual clip and added things like vibrance and saturation. After that was completed I added the any text or extra things on the screen. Finally I just watched the video over again and made some necessary tweaks. 


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