All About Me

 My name is Riana and I am so exited to do this final project. I have always enjoyed film and making videos, but now I can do this on a whole new level. I am going into this with so much background knowledge and experience. Doing the commercial and music video has made me very prepared for the final project. I now know how to film, what to film, and how to put every component together. Rather than just holding up a phone and hitting record, I am able to put in all the different elements of film. There is are new skills that I can showcase in the project and I am ready to use it all. From high angles to low angles, there are so many ways to capture what you want to portray. There will be characters shown in this movie intro and there is enough time and knowledge to really get every detail right. A characters costume and makeup will be used to really bring a character to life and make the film more realistic. It will definitely be fun to play around with different lighting and sounds in order to evoke emotion. I really enjoy editing the projects and bringing everything together. Now that i've edited both the commercial and the movie, I'm much more comfortable with the software. With the feedback given from both projects, the creative criticism will be applied to this one. All new knowledge will be used to give this intro depth and feel. Overall I am just happy to be going into this with a fuller understanding of film.


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