Genre Research: Thriteen

Thirteen is a popular teenage drama in the film world. It is filmed to present a very real story with a dramatic movie flare. One of the main aspects of this film is that there is a twilight blue hue cast over the entirety of it. This dark sort of overcast is an element we would love to incorporate in our piece. The movie consists of tracking shots. It also has a lot of zoom ins which create w really cool affect. The different angles that are used to shoot bring the drama element to this show. The music sound track was also very fitting, and the same elements of song will likely be incorporated. Some aspects will probably not be used in out film. For example, there were numerous over the shoulder shots used throughout the film, but I don't see us using that in our movie intro. Majority of props used were drugs and alcohol, which will play a big part for our film. There are lots of eye level shots and close ups in this film used to make the characters seem even further gone and twisted. While these are great touches to the movie, we're not sure if we will be using them too often. Eye level shots tie in so well, and will likely be used by us. Rather than high angles used to swallow up the focus, many low angles are shot. There is an unfathomable amount of dutch/canted angles used in this film. The use of this angle really enhances the viewers experience, making the characters look crazed. This technique really shows the effects pf the drugs, and will very likely be used by us.



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