Title Design Website

Art of the Titles

We are researching this website because of its excellent movie title presentation. The site seems simple, and easy to navigate. The cover page shows exactly what we can find on the site. The 2021 Emmy nominations for main title design gives me good examples for title sequences. By having well appreciated shows in the homepage, the site looks like it contains helpful information. Without even having to search for movies, there are some recommended. You can hit the "Title Sequences" tab and and there are "recommended" titles as well as "classic" ones shown. The main reason for researching this site because of its priority in film titles. It shows mainly film tiles, with stories about them. There is also a search menu for movie titles, broadening our line of sight.

Forget the film, Watch the Titles

Forget the film, Watch the Titles is an even more eye catching website. Immediately upon visiting the site, there is a slideshow filtering through movie titles. It shows interesting previews on different movies, drawing you in and making you curious. This site again has a "Title Sequences" tab to effectively show where we can find titles for feature film, tv shows, event titles, student projects, video games, and french Fridays. In addition, the site is also very aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. While the site does have different items showcased, film titles is one of the main five. We are researching film titles and this site gives effective information. While there are not many titles shown, but the information about each of the film titles, and quality of them is very helpful. The site is easy to read and gives detail about each movie title they show. We are researching this site for the quality of information presented.


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