production: finished filming
Today was the last day of filming. Everything went so well the day before, so I was confident in out abilities the second time around. Today we filmed scenes 6 through 10. Each of these scenes involve Wren in her lonesome so Zeke helped us behind the scenes. There are many different periods of time filmed today, meaning a lot of makeup and costume work. The first scene of Wren looking into the mirror was rather difficult to get because of the camera getting in the reflection. Finally, I was able to to hit the perfect angle, capturing the scene. With my new phone, the high res camera was great. During the scene where it is zoomed on on the girls dilated eyes, the iPhone 13 camera was perfect. We took many different takes of scenes throughput the day in order to get the adjusted lighting. Filming Zeke's scene where he was meant to be drunk and passes out on the couch was very difficult. It was fun to film, but he just could not stop laughing. We have well over 20 takes but it was worth it to finally get the best shot. There was also difficulty filming the birds eye view clip of Wren on the bed. I had to climb on Zeke's shoulders in order to get high enough. However, his feet kept getting in the shot, so he had to step back and bend over to crop them out. To get the beer can in the shot without using an actual beer can, I drew on a regular soda and in the shots it worked surprisingly well. Moreover, in order to have a visual of drugs without the possession of them, I used things like corn starch. The fake products filmed well over camera and I was very pleased. The glitter makeup on the other hand... not so well. I definitely wanted a sort of messy glitter look to show the visuals of drug Euphoria, but it may have been a little too messy.
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