production: filming first scenes

Today I filmed with Wren. We had a plan to go through the first 5 scenes which only required the father and daughter pair. This was a Monday after school so there wasn't a whole lot of day light time to shoot, but that was perfect because we were mostly going for the dark. My brother, who was playing the Dad, went to the gym right after school, cutting into some time with him. During this time Wren and I went through the setting and adjusted everything to our liking. I took the camera around and played with different angles while she was in the shot. I gathered up all the props that we needed and sorted through them. I got different variations of everything to go through a sort of screen test on camera and see what worked best. After making sure everything inanimate was perfect, I focused on the actress. While waiting for Zeke, Wren went over various lines with me as we tried to perfect the tone and volume in which she spoke. Finally, Zeke was back. We had plenty of time so it wasn't much rush. He took a shower then practiced lines as he ate. Once he was settled, I got him ready for costume and makeup. He tried on different looks, and we went with a plain tee, flannel and jeans. It was all pretty baggy on his so it was perfect. Scenes 1 through 5 were filmed and it went smoothly. I put makeup on Zeke to give that worn out kind of and it was perfect. Zeke is a great actor so everything looked really believable and such a breeze. 


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