production: changes made from film review
After hearing all the input that Paola gave, it was time to make some changes. We had to start by re-filming some scenes. We had a lot filmed with day light, and decided to switch it all to the night. With the darker lighting throughout, the film looked much more put together. having to re-film was really tiring but in the end it was definitely worth it. While re-filming the scenes because of lighting, I worked on the shaky ones as well. We all had to work really hard on putting on our serious face for this to work. I was much steadier and you could really tell the difference. I also utilized the stabilization feature on iMovie, helping to stillness a lot. Next, I decided on a song. I never heard an email back so I went to look for music on a royalty free website. I got a song from the site, there was a song called "purify" by roniit and it fit the film very well. I had to cut and edit the song to it would space out correctly with the beat drop on the right scenes. Although it wasn't what I originally really wanted, Wren and I looked over the video again with this song playing and were so happy. After a successful song choice, I worked on the other things Paola mentioned. First I tackled the transitions between some scenes. For many things I changed it to "fade to black" between. This really helped to keep the dark theme going while still maintaining a seamless finish.
Finally, I changed the font of the title. I went with a much simpler font, and the whole thing looked much, much better.
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