more filming

 Today I filmed at the botanical gardens light show. My dad showed me this a while ago and was really exited about it. It was going to be my dads birthday today so I suggested we take him. It was really beautiful there and such a great experience. As I was walking though, I knew this would be a perfect place to film. We strolled through in awe of the lights, and I kept an eye out for perfect shots all along the way. I made sure to film horizontally. I filmed at all different angles and did it multiple times. I stayed at each spot to be sure I got enough choices. I am not 100% sure but I think these will be good for the video. I continued filming throughout the walk. It was such a long setting, there were a number of great opportunities. Each look I took had a different light show. There were so many different sight and it was really amazing. My family helped to make sure I got great shots.  I was even able to get videos on the way there. There were lights everywhere. On the way back we made some more stops that I could take a shot at. Overall I think it worked out well and I got good videos!


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