Title Design
Working Title: The film name is likely to be "Bad Habits". It will be in edgy writing, SOMETHING LIKE THIS. The writing will most likely be capitalization. It could also be some capital letters and some lowercase. For example something like this. (Just showing the style and size of letters) I want to make the title come up and look staticky almost. I want to use a light background with dark words or vise versa. When the main title comes up it should be bold and make a statement because the film is very deep. I think the main ideal color for the title card font should be black. All the of the title scenes will be inputted in like slamming into the screen. The main title will stay for 5 seconds. However the other titles in the the title sequence will be 2-3 seconds. The credits or the other titles will be smaller than the main title.The background of the opening credits will be just a video going through a low-income town. The credits will appear in the corner. Also...